Jacob Eddings


Current Job | UX Design | Front-end Developer | 2023 – Present

Splash image for CarSolve showing mobile mockups.

Project Overview

The Product:

A local auto company that helps people sell their car by listing their vehicle to a vast network of dealers in which the dealers bid on your vehicle and get you the most money.

Project Duration:

January 2023 - Present

The Problem:

The company needed a website that showcased who they are and what their goal is.

The Goal:

Design and create a website for the client that improves their SEO and accessibility in search results and informs users about CarSolve's car-selling process.

My Role:

UX/UI Designer & Researcher | Front-end Web Developer


User Research | Wireframing | Prototyping | Creating User Stories | Creating Personas | Conducting Interviews | Iterating on Designs

Wireframes & Sitemap

Mobile low-fi wireframes for CarSolve created in Figma.
Low-fi mobile wireframe for CarSolve's website (click img view).

Quick note, this was actually my first real project before I knew what the role of a UX designer truly entailed, so I only created a low-fi wireframe in Figma then just began building the website based off of that wireframe. Needless to say, the Google UX Design program was very beneficial in showing me just how much truly goes into creating a product and why each step of the design process is so important.

Sitemap for the new CarSolve website.

This is a sitemap I created for CarSolve. This sitemap has seen many changes and will probably see many more changes, but the client wanted to keep it simple and efficient so as to not overwhelm the users.


Since this is a startup company, they did not have an old website to showcase, so I will show a few mockups and images from the website that I built for them.

Mockups of CarSolve's Bidding War process.
Mockups of CarSolve's Bidding War process.

Start a Bidding War Page

These are mockups I created in Figma for CarSolve’s Start a Bidding War page. Every asset shown in these mockups was created by me (aside from the car image/logos) and placed into mobile phone screens to showcase the process for selling your car with CarSolve, which you can see by visiting the page linked above.

Mobile phone mockups showing CarSolve's 3-step car-selling process.
Mockup for CarSolve's 3-step car-selling process.

List > Watch > Sell

I was tasked with creating a very simple mockup that showed users how easy it is to sell their car with CarSolve–all you have to do is list your car, watch the bids come in, and sell it once it reaches your target sell price. This mockup is shown as the hero image on CarSolve’s Start a Bidding War page, so users get a quick understanding of how it works before they scroll below the fold.
Mockups of CarSolve's Instant Quote process.
Sitemap for the new CarSolve website.

Instant Quote Page

I created these mockups for CarSolve’s Instant Quote page. This page provides users with a free instant quote on their vehicle. These mockups serve the same purpose as the “Start a Bidding War” mockups, where they are placed on mobile screens and explain to users the process of receiving an instant quote on their vehicle using CarSolve. I went through the Instant Quote process to get screenshots of what the actual product looks like, then created the mockups using these screenshots to show on the page. I love making mockups in Figma and I think this is where I can truly play to my strengths as a Visual Designer.
Mobile phone mockups showing how to add a website to your home screen on iOS devices.
Mockup for adding CarSolve's Listing App to your home screen.

Add to Home Screen

Since this company doesn’t have a dedicated mobile app (yet), I was asked to create a mockup that showed users to how to add the listing website (live.carsolve.com) to their home screen so that users could tap the icon and quickly reach the site without having to search for it every time. This mockup is shown at the bottom of CarSolve’s Listing Process page, so if users want to learn more about how the listing process works, they will see how to add this page to their home screen as well.

Final Design

Mockup of four mobile phones showing a splash screen and three other screens for CarSolve.
CarSolve Hi-fi mobile mockup (click img to view website).


This was probably my most fun project so far because I've made a lot of mockups and designs for this company which I really enjoy doing. Since my goal is to become a Visual Designer, I think I find the most enjoyment in creating mockups and being very analytical on where I place assets in the mockups. I am constantly making changes and updates to this website due to requests from stakeholders, so I always get excited when I'm asked to make new mockups or designs.

Click this link to view the finished website for CarSolve.